Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Module 3 - Chapter 3

Module 3 - Chapter 3

Q Module 3 - Chapter 3 - Questions 1 Worth 20 Points Goals of Assignment 1. Introduce scholarly, sociological articles to students for augmenting course content 2. Foster critical thinking skills through reading comprehension and responding to specific questions 3. Apply sociological key textbook terms to support a stance in question responses 4. Measure how well students follow written instructions Grading Based on: 1. Organizational Structure (e.g., lucid sentences, ideas presented in a logical fashion) 2. Quality of Student Writing (e.g., thought provoking, continuity of ideas, free of grammatical errors and misspelled words 3. How Well Student Followed Assignment Instructions Writing Instructions for Chapter Questions 1. APPLY A KEY TERM PER QUESTION FROM OUR TEXTBOOK ONLY – For each question response, students are REQUIRED to choose a key term from our course textbook to support their question response - WORTH 5 POINTS *NOTE: 5 POINT DEDUCTION FOR EACH MISSING KEY TERM PER QUESTION 2. Each KEY TERM USED MUST: a. UNDERLINED OR PUT IN QUOTES OR HIGHLIGHTED - 2 POINT DEDUCTION PER RESPONSE FOR THIS INFRACTION b. INCLUDE A BRIEF DEFINITION (like the examples provided below) - 3 POINT DEDUCTION PER MISSING DEFINITION c. INCLUDE A PAGE NUMBER OF WHERE DEFINITION CAN BE FOUND in textbook - 2 POINT DEDUCTION PER MISSING PAGE NUMBER 3. The following information MUST BE IINCLUDED at the TOP LEFT CORNER of your assignment (not bold type: font) Your first and last name SOCIO-1A, Section # Module Assignment Name Dr. Summers Assignment Due Date *5 POINT DEDUCTION FOR NOT INCLUDING THE ABOVE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT *1 POINT DEDUCTION FOR EACH MISSING INFORMATION ABOVE 4. MINIMUM WORD REQUIREMENT – 40 WORDS PER QUESTION *10 POINT DEDUCTION PER QUESTION RESPONSE UNDER 40 WORDS *ZERO POINTS PER QUESTION RESPONSE UNDER 30 WORDS 5. MAXIMUM WORD REQUIREMENT – 70 WORDS PER DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE *5 POINT DEDUCTION OVER 80 WORDS *NOTE: You Can Check Your Word Count Using Microsoft Word by Highlighting Your Summary, Click ‘Review” at the Top Margin, Then to the Far-Left, Underneath ‘abc’, Click ‘123’ *REMEMBER: NO DIRECT QUOTES FROM THE ARTICLE, NO OUTSIDE SOURCES, NO HYPERLINKS OR PICTURES INCLUDED, AND NO ENDNOTES OR BIBLIOGRAPHY. 6. MUST NUMBER EACH QUESTION RESPONSE – *3 POINT DEDUCTION PER QUESTION RESPONSE FOR NOT NUMBERING QUESTION 7. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are to be used to support your stance – *2 POINT DEDUCTION FOR THIS INFRACTION 8. DO NOT TYPE EACH QUESTION – *1 POINT DEDUCTION PER QUESTION 9. CHAPTER QUESTIONS can be submitted MULTIPLE TIMES ON CANVAS PRIOR TO QUESTIONS’ DUE DATE AND TIME. Module 3 - Chapter 3 - Questions 1 1. Do you believe that feelings of ethnocentricity or xenocentric attitudes and practices are prevalent in U.S. culture? Why do you believe this? What issues or events might influence your ideas about these concepts? WORTH10 POINTS 2. What are some examples of cultural lag that are present in your life? What influence does technology have on culture? Explain. WORTH 10 POINTS *NOTE: NO LATE, MAKEUP, PARTIAL CREDIT OR EMAILED ASSIGNMENTS TO PROFESSOR WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THIS COURSE! *NOTE: IF A STUDENT SUBMITS A ‘WRONG ASSIGNMENT’ BY ACCIDENT, YOU WILL HAVE TWO DAYS AFTER SUBMISSION TO NOTIFY PROFESSOR OF INCIDENT OR RECEIVE A ZERO SCORE Ways to Submit Your Assignment 1. Students can SUBMIT THEIR ASSIGNMENT in CANVAS in the following ways: a. TYPE ASSIGNMENT directly into the TEXTBOX b. CUT AND PASTE their work directly into the TEXTBOX c. SAVE THEIR ASSIGNMENT EITHER as a WORD DOCUMENT OR as a PDF FILE BY USING THE “FILE UPLOAD” OPTION *NOTE: ASSIGNMENTS SUBMITTED AS A "GOOGLE DOC OR ZIP FILE" WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN THIS COURSE, THUS RECEIVE A ZERO SCORE, NO CREDIT, AND NOT BE ALLOWED TO RESEND ASSIGNMENT! *NOTE: FORGETTING TO CLICK THE ‘SUBMIT BUTTON’ IN CANVAS WILL NOT BE AN EXCUSE TO ALLOW YOU TO RE-SUBMIT YOUR ASSIGNMENT. *SLOW DOWN AND CHECK YOUR ASSIGNMENT BEFORE CLICKING THE ‘SUBMIT’ BUTTON! How to Verify Your Assignment Has Been Successfully Submitted in Canvas 1. Go to our COURSE CANVAS HOMEPAGE 2. On the LEFT TAB, CLICK the GRADES BUTTON 3. Go to the TOP of COLUMN and LOCATE THE ASSIGNMENT 4. If YOU DO NOT SEE AN ICON (looks like a little sheet of paper with lines) in the above ASSIGNMENT COLUMN THEN YOU FORGOT TO CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON! 5. ALWAYS CHECK AFTER SUBMITTING EACH ASSIGNMENT *Examples of Correct And Incorrect Chapter Questions *CORRECT Jane Doe SOCIO-1A, Section 72354 Module 3 - Chapter 3 - Questions 1 Dr. Summers 2/26/2015 1. My boyfriend has a lot of nephews and nieces and we interacted with them when they were from newborn to 12 years old. The play stage, when they began to play other roles since developing more language skills (151) was the most prominent stage I saw with his nephews. They would play these different types of roles between each other. 2. My mother have had the most effect on me growing up, because she was the one to guide me through my life and teach me about our Mexican culture. I know that she had a great effect on me through my life stages, the patterns of change from infancy to adulthood (162). Due to her guidance, I was able to succeed in my education and other goals for myself. *NO ERRORS IN THE ABOVE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Correct information in the top left corner of assignment 2. Each question response contained an underlined key term from textbook, a brief definition, and page number of where definition can be found in textbook 3. Each response was under the maximum 70 words per question response 4. Each response was numbered according to the question listed 5. Specifically stated the author’s message to the reader *INCORRECT* John Doe SOCIO-1A, Section 70633 5/10/2019 Why Gender Makes a Difference? 1. I used to babysit, and I occasionally teach art classes for kids and have spent some time around them. Kids would play as chiefs or as princesses they'd seen on TV. 2. I had a major life event, an experience causing a significant change in the course of my life. A few years ago, I lost my two best friends. It changed me because I lost a lot of self-confidence. I feel like most people would have had similar issues I had. I developed trust issues. *ERRORS IN THE ABOVE CHAPTER QUESTIONS: 1. Missing information in the top left corner of page (e.g., Assignment name, Dr. Summers) 2. Added a ‘title’ to discussion questions (not included in the instructions) 3. Question #1 did not meet the minimum word requirement and missing key term, a brief definition, and page number of where definition can be found in textbook 4. Question #2 is missing page number for key term and a misspelled word (developd)

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1) Yes, I believe that feelings of xenocentric or ethnocentricity practices are prevalent in the US. Majority of people living in the US would be appalled by eating rodents. Some Americans may even look down on cultures that find rodents to be a delicacy. This is a form of ethnocentrism; they are judging a culture based on one’s own cultural norm (69). 2) An example of culture lag are electric cars. Although they have been around for some time, they are becoming more common.